Sample Metadata Record

XML format

<dc:title>Comparative Corpus of Spoken Portuguese</dc:title>
<dc:creator xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="author">Charlotte Galves</dc:creator>
<dc:creator xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="author">Maria Filomena Sandalo</dc:creator>
<dc:creator xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="author">Bernadete Abaurre</dc:creator>
<dc:creator xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="author">Antonio Galves</dc:creator>
<dcterms:abstract>This corpus contains a number of sentences by speakers of different varieties of Portuguese. At the moment Brazilian and European Portuguese are covered. The corpus covers two parts: the first part consists of 6 speakers, 54 sentences each, two repititions and the second of 4 speakers, 20 sentences each, three repititions. The annoations are based on rhythmic clusters and stress patterns. </dcterms:abstract>

Display format

 Title  Comparative Corpus of Spoken Portuguese
 Creator (author)  Charlotte Galves
 Creator (author)  Maria Filomena Sandalo
 Creator (author)  Bernadete Abaurre
 Creator (author)  Antonio Galves
 Abstract  This corpus contains a number of sentences by speakers of different varieties of Portuguese. At the moment Brazilian and European Portuguese are covered. The corpus covers two parts: the first part consists of 6 speakers, 54 sentences each, two repititions and the second of 4 speakers, 20 sentences each, three repititions. The annoations are based on rhythmic clusters and stress patterns.

Metadata quality analysis

OLAC metadata records are scored for metadata quality on a 10-point scale explained in OLAC Metadata Metrics. The score for the above record (along with comments on changes that could improve the score) is as follows:

Component + - Comments
Title   1   0 
Date   0   1  Add a dc:date element (or one of its refinements, like dcterms:created or dcterms:issued).
Agent   1   0 
About   1   0 
Depth   0   1  For the full score, add at least 6 more elements in addition to the ones counted explicitly in other components of the score.
Content Language   0   1  Add a dc:language element with an ISO 639-3 code to identify the language in which the resource is written or spoken.
Subject Language   1   0 
OLAC Type   0   1  Add a dc:type element that uses the OLAC linguistic-type encoding scheme to identify the type of the resource from a linguistic point of view.
DCMI Type   0   1  Add a dc:type element that uses the DCMIType encoding scheme to identify the generic type of the resource.
Precision   0.33   0.67  For the full score, make use of at least 2 more encoding schemes in addition to the ones counted explicitly in other components of the score. For instance,
  • use dcterms:W3CDTF on dc:date (or its refinements)
  • use dcterms:IMT on dc:format
Quality score  4.33