Sample Metadata Record

XML format

<dc:title>Referentiebestand Nederlands</dc:title>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="sponsor">NTU-CLVV</dc:contributor>
<dc:creator>Afdeling Lexicologie VU Amsterdam, INL, Vakgroep Neerlandistiek KU Leuven, Vakgroep Neerlandistiek UU</dc:creator>
<dc:description>Version 2.0</dc:description>
<dc:description>Het Referentiebestand Nederlands is een lexicon met ruim 45.000 trefwoorden en 90.000 vaste en vrije verbindingen.</dc:description>
<dc:description>Available annotations: Morphology, Part of Speech, Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics, Collocations</dc:description>
<dc:description>Method of annotating: Manual</dc:description>
<dc:description>Evaluation package is available.</dc:description>
<dc:description>Resource is externally validated.</dc:description>
<dc:description>Data formats: Access database</dc:description>
<dcterms:extent>25.000 words</dcterms:extent>
<dcterms:extent>9,05 MB</dcterms:extent>
<dcterms:medium>Online, Download</dcterms:medium>
<dc:identifier xsi:type="dcterms:URI"></dc:identifier>
<dc:rightsHolder>Nederlandse Taalunie</dc:rightsHolder>
<dc:type xsi:type="olac:linguistic-type" olac:code="lexicon"/>

Display format

 Title  Referentiebestand Nederlands
 Alternative  RBN
 Contributor (sponsor)  NTU-CLVV
 Creator  Afdeling Lexicologie VU Amsterdam, INL, Vakgroep Neerlandistiek KU Leuven, Vakgroep Neerlandistiek UU
 Is su ed  2005
 Description  Version 2.0
 Description  Het Referentiebestand Nederlands is een lexicon met ruim 45.000 trefwoorden en 90.000 vaste en vrije verbindingen.
 Description  Available annotations: Morphology, Part of Speech, Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics, Collocations
 Description  Method of annotating: Manual
 Description  Evaluation package is available.
 Description  Resource is externally validated.
 Description  Data formats: Access database
 Extent  25.000 words
 Extent  9,05 MB
 Medium  Online, Download
 Identifier (URI)
 Language  ISO639-3:nld
 Is Referenced By  /images/stories/tstc/rbn_documentatie.pdf
 Rights Holder  Nederlandse Taalunie
 Type  interactiveResource
 Type (OLAC)  Linguistic type: Lexicon

Metadata quality analysis

OLAC metadata records are scored for metadata quality on a 10-point scale explained in OLAC Metadata Metrics. The score for the above record (along with comments on changes that could improve the score) is as follows:

Component + - Comments
Title   1   0 
Date   1   0 
Agent   1   0 
About   1   0 
Depth   1   0 
Content Language   0   1  Add a dc:language element with an ISO 639-3 code to identify the language in which the resource is written or spoken.
Subject Language   0   1  Add a dc:subject element with an ISO 639-3 code to identify the language which the resource is about.
OLAC Type   1   0 
DCMI Type   0   1  Add a dc:type element that uses the DCMIType encoding scheme to identify the generic type of the resource.
Precision   0.67   0.33  For the full score, make use of at least one more encoding scheme in addition to the ones counted explicitly in other components of the score. For instance,
  • use dcterms:W3CDTF on dc:date (or its refinements)
  • use dcterms:IMT on dc:format
Quality score  6.67