Description: | | Hezekiah Jonas and Shadrack Jonas stand at the edge of the canyon, and recall the story of Keli the white man. Keli was an American agricultural researcher who lived in Endabeg with Hezekiah and Shadrack’s family when they were both very young, and who was carried away in the when it was flooding with rainwater, but survived thanks to his strong swimming. Another man, who was cutting wood near the canyon at another time, was not so lucky, and died when he was swept away. Hezekiah and Shadrack then chance to spot a vervet monkey on the canyon floor, and talk a bit about farming and the nearby field, which belongs to a neighbor || Hezekiah Jonas na Shadrack Jonas wanasimama karibu ya korongo ya na kuzungumza kuhusu Mzungu Keli. Keli alikuwa mtafiti wa kilimo kutoka Marekani, aliyeishi Endabeg na familia ya Hezekiah na Shadrack walipokuwa wadogo. Keli alichukuliwa na maji kwenye wakati ilifurika na maji ya mvua. Kwa sababu aliweza kuogelea, alijinusurika. Mwanamume mwengine, ambaye alikuwa anapasua mbao karibu ya korongo wakati wengine, amefariki alipochukuliwa. Hezekiah na Shadrack wanaona tumbili chini ya korongo, na wanazungumza kidogo kuhusu kilimo na shamba la karibu, ambalo ni la jirani || For any use of this single material, or of a small number of materials from the larger deposit, please include the following credit lines: 1. Harvey, Andrew, and Festo Massani. 2015. Endabeg canyon 1. [20150722f] in Harvey, Andrew. 2017. 2. Harvey, Andrew 2017. Gorwaa: an archive of language and cultural material from the Gorwaa people of Babati (Manyara Region, Tanzania). London: SOAS, Endangered Languages Archive. URL: []. Accessed on [insert date here]. || This material is openly accessible. 1) Users are free to a) share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format), and b) adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material). 2) Terms: Users must a) give appropriate credit (providing, at least, the credit lines above), b) indicate if changes were made, and c) not knowingly use materials for any purpose which causes disparagement, disrespect, damage to reputation, or harm to any individual or group. None of the data in this collection may be used as evidence in court. || Data collection funded by Endangered Languages Documentation Project Individual Graduate Scholarship IGS0285 : "The Gorwaa Noun: Toward a description of the Gorwaa language" |