OLAC Record

Title:First Socialization meeting with the Bati Community
A Documentation of Bati Language and Oral Traditions
Other un-named actors
Contributor (consultant):MBESSI MAKONDO
Contributor (researcher):NGUE UM
Description:In order to ease socialization of the research team with the target community, it had been planned that a public gathering would be called upon by the Canton's Chief, with financial support from the project. This event had been planned to take place during the first field trip which was undertaken in November-December of 2016. Due to the Chief's agenda in Yaoundé where is is based on regular basis, the meeting has been further postponed on the occasion of the second field trip. The event was later on convened on the occacion of the third field trip. The objective of this meeting was to provide an opportunity fo the research team, to explain the purpose of the overall research project. Most importantly, the focus has been on raising the community's awareness about the threat of extinction which is looming on many Cameroonian languages, among which Bati features. In practical terms, interaction between research team members and the community aimed to bring to their knowledge and understanding, the benefits of the project for the community welfare notably, in terms of language teaching and revitalization targeting younger generations, as well as language development and standardization. The meeting was attended by participants mostly based in Kelleng. Few attendees had come from Mbougue and Nyambat as well. This imbalance in attendance ratio per village was due to the fact that, the meeting was hosted at the Chief's compound in Kelleng, and some individuals from Mbougue and Nyambat could not easily make it to Kelleng, because of road conditions on the one hand, and the lack of transportation means on the other hand. The meeting was chaired by Rémon Matolo the Chief's representative and younger brother. In this capacity, the onus was on him to share the gifts which the research team had brought to the entire community. Those villages which were not adequately represented were later on sent their shares through the local chief's channel.
The project to Document aspects of Bati language and oral traditions is an original idea of Dr Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, who had initially surveyed the Bati speech area as part of a pilot research project granted by the Ministry of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation of the Republic of Cameroon. Based on the results of this pilot research which have revealed a situation of critical endangerment of Bati language and ancestral practices, the idea to submit a major documentation project to ELDP has matured. The project has eventually been submitted during the 2015 funding round with Dr Emmanuel Ngué Um as Principal Investigator, and Dr Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso as co-applicant. The project started in October 1st, 2015, and will run till the 30th of September in 2018.
Assomo Celestine Ghislaine is a PhD student who is enroled in the Linguistic program at the University of Yaoundé I, Department of African Languages and Linguistics. She has completed her gratuade program in the same Department, and later on graduated with a Master's Degree in descriptive Linguistics in 2015. Ghislaine Assomo is part of the research team working on the documentation of Bati language and Oral traditions. She works on the project on a part-time basis; the remaining part of her schedule being devoted to her PhD research, which deals with aspects of Multilingualism within the broader area covered by the overall Bati Canton.
Emmanuel Ngué Um is the Principal Investigator for the Bati project. He is mainly employed at the University of Yaoundé one where he holds the position of Senior Lectuer of Linguistics, in the Departement of Cameroonian Languages and Cultures at the Higher Teacher Training School. Ngué Um is also Associate Researcher at CERDOTOLA, where he is charged with the responsibility of Archive Manager for ALORA (Archive of Languages and Oral Resources of Africa).
Mbessi Makondo Gilbert as acted as one of the key informants for the research team during the first year of the project. Due to his extensive multilingualism coupled with a high sense of public network and relations, he has assisted the research team in most of their whereabouts throughout the various consultants who have agreed to lend themselves to research exercises. In some cases, Mbessi Gilbert has acted as the interviewer. This approach has been privileged in surveys dealing with anthropological, cultural and religous aspects. He had been trained by the research team in the monitoring of interviews, and in questionnaire administration, and has proven to be a talented and committed research assistant.
It would be difficult to state the exact number of languages which were using during this social event. At this junction, it would be safe to say that the repertoire of language use during this event was reflective of rampant social multilingualism among Bati. That notwithstanding, interaction between research team members and the community were done in Basaa; basaa being a lingua franca among various speech groups in the broad geographical area. Not surprisingly, interactions between the Chief's representative and other community members were conducted in the Kelleng speech varieties. Interactions involving inhabitants of Kelleng and speakers from other Bati villages were 'bi-dialectal, with each individual speaking their villag'es tongue. Conversations were regularly interspersed with code switching to French and other neigboring languages.
Gwladys Makon is a team research member for the Bati projet. She is enrolled in the PHD programme at the Department of African Languages and Linguistics. Makon is a PHD fellow for the Bati projet, and she is mainly concerned with providing a comprehensive grammatical description of Bati language, all three dialects inclusive. During her undergraduate study at the Department of African Languages and Linguistics at the University of Yaoundé I, Gwladys Makon has red, among others, the followingn subjets: Introduction to general linguistics, phonetics, phonology (with special emphasis on Bantu languages), introduction to sociolinguistics, language teaching, language planning, etc.
Rémon Matolo is one of the main consultants for the Bati project. He is the younger brother of the Canton's Chief, who is settled in Yaoundé on regular basis. In this capacity, he is the actual ruling Chief in the Canton, and is refered to by the population for any matter which requires mediation from the Chiefdom.
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1073725%23
Publisher:Ngué Um Emmanuel
International Center for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and Languages (CERDOTOLA)
Subject:Public meeting
Community gathering
Socialization with the research team


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
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OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1073725
DateStamp:  2018-01-11
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Search Info

Citation: ASSOMO; NGUE UM (researcher); MBESSI MAKONDO (consultant); MAKON; MATOLO (consultant); Other un-named actors. n.d. Ngué Um Emmanuel.

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 17:31:05 EDT 2021